Things Will Never Be The Same


It doesn’t matter what it was — whether you loved and were loved back, whether you loved and lost, whether you loved and were not loved back, whether you never loved. Things will never be the same as they were. Everything is changing — our bodies, our minds, our souls. For better or for worse, things will never be the same.

The way you looked at the rays of sunset; how you wondered above on the terrace, to and fro, wondering what should you do; how you conversed with the wind hearing only the rumble of the nature.

Whether you know some things or you don’t know, whether to choose to find out more or not, whether you forget or still remember, whether you are holding on or have learnt to let go. Things will never be the same.

Where will it end, when will it end, who will be there at end, no one can tell; the roads are still long no matter where you stand. But there is one thing, it will never be the same.

The way you sleep, hugging a toy kangaroo, the way your pillow soaks in tears, the way you wake up unable to stand, the way you live, things will never be the same.

For good or for worse, things will never be the same.

That is the only thing there is — things will never be the same.

